RS2 Operator Support

RS2 Operator manuals

Click below for Operators manual for the RS2 and the HFi system in different languages.

RS2 Error Codes

Here are the most common error codes which can occur and methods on how to reset them. For other questions and further troubleshooting please contact your Pentruder authorized service workshop.

RS2 Instruction videos

Video on how to mount your RS2 Wall saw and how to connect and start cutting with it. Remember to always read the Operators manual before using the machine and follow all safety instructions.

RS2 Support videos

Videos with some hints and tips on both FAQ’s and daily maintenance.

Please let us know if you have an idea of a short video that could help you and other users! Send an e-mail to:

RS2 RPM Charts

Get a quick overview of which RPM setting is suitable for which blade size.