Made in Sweden with pride and precision

All Pentruder equipment is Made in Sweden. We produce precision parts in-house, from the best materials, in state of the art production machines. With over 35 years of experience from designing concrete cutting equipment, we know how to build high performance, durable systems.



RS2 wall saw weighs under 24.5 kg with max output power of 18 kW. Easy fitting of blade with quick connect coupling. Built for low maintenance with the customer in mind.



A 8 kW strong Core drill for both service jobs and the special challenges. With the MDU3 you’ll always have the capacity to finish the job. No power pack need.

Global sales network

Pentruder concrete cutting equipment is shipped world wide on a daily basis.
We are a constantly growing family, and the Pentruder machines are currently
used in over 40 countries.

Pentruder products are built to last. With the right maintenance it will be
a productive tool for years and years. Service workshops with Pentruder
trained and authorized technicians are located in over 25 countries.

About us

Pentruder is designed and manufactured by Tractive AB, a Swedish family owned company specializing in design and manufacturing of two different product lines, Pentruder concrete cutting machines and Tractive motorsport transmissions. It is all about transmitting power and Tractive has over 40 years experience in design and manufacture of high quality, highly stressed gears and transmissions for high power and durability.

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